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Welcome to our website! Stewart School offers a dual track system (Regular French and French Immersion) to meet the needs of all students. There are many sports teams, clubs, music programs and activity groups. Students are involved not only in school activities but are making a difference through various forms of community work.

Our staff encourage students with a ‘growth mindset’ strategy for learning, and a focus on math and literacy. It is a safe and caring environment, where we offer a healthy snack program, opportunities for community engagement, music lessons, extra clubs and have parents that contribute and care. Students are provided with opportunities for leadership and the development of positive relationship skills through cross grade activities. The Stewart School is working to engage Grade 6 students to participate in the parent school council meetings; providing feedback, new ideas and supporting fundraising initiatives and school-to-community events. The school is tied to community events and activities for field trips and more direct experiential learning. I encourage you to take a look around our site to learn more about our school and give us a call if you have any questions.


Robert Bradley, Principal


As part of the federal COVID-19 Resilience Stream of the Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program, and funding from the Ontario government,
73 UCDSB school sites will see enhancements and upgrades to HVAC and controls; replacement portables; window replacements; bottle filling stations; and power doors with touchless sensors.

Investing in Canada

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