All meetings are open to The Stewart School families. We look forward to working together! If you have questions about how to get involved, please contact us.
The School Council for 2023-24 is comprised of the following:
Chair: Kristen Roy
Secretary: Kim Tran
Treasurer: Shevaun Down
Meetings are held in-person and through Teams. Childcare will be available.
Meetings take place on Mondays, from 6:30 - 7:30.
Meetings dates are as follows:
Monday, Sept. 18
Monday, Oct. 23
Monday, Dec. 4
Monday, Jan. 22
Monday, Feb. 26
Monday, April 15
Monday, May 27
Teams invites will be sent out to those parents who requested to join Council. Please contact the school for information on how you can join.
Search the files below for meeting minutes and other documentation.